Bashir Muhandis (1931-1995)
Bashir Muhandis was born in Aleppo in 1931 and died on June 3, 1995 in the United Arab Emirates. Muhandis showed early signs of artistic talent at school. After graduating from high school in 1952, he moved to France to study architecture at the École des Beaux-Arts. He only completed the first two years of the program, during which he relied on art as a source of income. Being in Paris at that time exposed him to Europe’s modern art movements and allowed him to connect with many artists.01 He returned to Syria in 1955 due to financial difficulties and resumed his studies in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Aleppo.02 His love of painting never waned; alongside his studies, he continued to create art pieces in an abstract manner influenced by the novel European art movements. He graduated in 1964, and in 1967 returned to the faculty as a lecturer in the Department of Architecture. He established his own firm in 1968 and worked on several architectural projects in various Syrian cities. His painting al-Ghurfa al-Thāniyya (The Second Room), completed in 1962, is part of the modern art collection of the Museum of Aleppo.
Associated Projects:
- The Tourist Hotel in Tartous | 1969 | unexecuted
- Battery and Liquid Gas Factory in Aleppo | 1971 | built
- The Commercial and Governmental Complex of Deir Ezzour | 1971 | built
- Workers’ complex in Aleppo | 1971 | built
- Intermediate Agricultural Institute at the University of Aleppo | 1972 | built
- Intermediate Engineering Institute at the University of Aleppo | 1972 | built
- The Islamic Charity Hospital in Aleppo | 1975 | not executed
- Al-Rahman Mosque and Hospital | 1976 | built
- The Guest Palace in Damascus competition | 1976 | proposal
- Textile Factory of Olabi Tex in Aleppo | 1989 | built
- Social Center in Aleppo | 1994 | not executed
- The Arab Common Market in Aleppo | 1994 | not executed
- University of Aleppo Roundabout | 1995 | not executed
01 Silsilit Aʿmāl al-Miʿmāriyyīn bi Ḥalab: Aʿmāl al-Muhandis al-Miʿmār Bashir Muhandis (Architect’s Work in Aleppo Series: The Work of Architectural Engineer Bashir Muhandis). Vol. 2 (Syrian Engineers Syndicate – Aleppo branch, 1998).
02 al-Muhandis al- al-Miʿmāriyy Bashir Muhandis, “…ولد في حلب عام ( 1931 ) ، وفي عام ( 1952 ) سافر إلى فرنسا ، لدراسة الهندسة المعمارية في أكاديمية الفنون الجميلة ( البوزار) فدرس فيها لمدة عامين ،وبسبب ضيق في الوضع المالي ، رغم أنه كان يعتمد على الرسم لإعالته ، ثم عاد إلى وطنه لمتابعة دراسة الهندسة المعمارية في جامعة حلب في عام ( 1955 ) . وفي وجوده في باريس استطاع الاطلاع على مجرى الحركات التشكيلية الحديثة في أوروبا والتعرّف على عدد من فنانيها…, (…(Bashir Muhandis) was born in Aleppo in (1931), and in (1952) he travelled to France, to study architectural engineering in the Academy of Fine Arts (Beaux-Arts) so he studied there for two years, and because of the tight economic situation, even though he was dependant on art to support him, then he went back to his home country to continue studying architectural engineering in the faculty of Aleppo in (1955). And his presence in Paris allowed him to get informed on the flow of Plastic Art movements in Europe and to get to know a number of its artists…” Facebook, October 14, 2012, accessed June 1, 2024.