MHD Samir al-Moudarres (b. 1931)
MHD Samir al-Moudarres was born in Aleppo in 1931. He received a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Robert College University in Istanbul in 1958 and a master’s degree in construction engineering from Stanford University in California, America in 1959.01 After graduation, he began his engineering career in Aleppo alongside his work as a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Aleppo. In 1960, he moved to Damascus, where he worked as an engineer in several directorates on projects in the public sector, especially the educational sector. Al-Moudarres opened his private firm named (MIB) in collaboration with engineers Ibrahim Basha and Maxil Boroyan in Damascus. However in 1964, after the closing of this firm, he returned to Aleppo to open his own.02 In the late 1970s, he served as the vice president of the Syrian Engineering Association and was also the editor-in-chief of the Association’s The Arab Engineer magazine.03 In 1980, he participated in the compilation of the classically armed Beton Code and is now retired from the profession since 1999.04
Associated Projects:
- Faculty of Law at the University of Aleppo | 1963 | built
- Faculty of Medicine at the University of Aleppo | 1965 | built
- Al-Assad Sports Arena | 1968-71 | built
01 “Naqib al-Muhāndisīn wa Aʿdāʾ Majlis al-Naqāba [President of Engineers and Members of the Association Board],” The Arab Engineer Magazine, January 1987.
02 Al Moudarres Family, “…حيث افتتح محمد سمير مكتباً لـلدراسات الهندسية بـدمشق أسماه (MIB) مع زملائه من المهندسين: فكرة إبراهيم باشا و مكسيل بورويان…[…where MHD Samir opened a firm for engineering studies in Damascus and named it (MIB) in collaboration with his colleagues: Fikra Ibrahim Basha and Maxil Boroyan…], Facebook, 23 September, 2011, accessed 1 June, 2024, LINK.
03 “Naqib al-Muhāndisīn wa Aʿdāʾ Majlis al-Naqāba (President of Engineers and Members of the Association Board.”
04 Al Moudarres Family، “…شارك في وضع ملخَّص كود البيتون المسلَّح لـلطريقة الكلاسيكية في عام 1980…[…He participated in writing the summary of typical armed concrete building code in 1980…]”